Choose any of our Sebian Mixtures for maximum potency when addressing your needs.
Choose any of our fresh, dried, wild crafted/organic alkaline herbs for all your Dr. Sebi approved teas.
Fennel seed reduces the formation of blood clots. Increasing milk secretion and supporting the female reproductive system. Antioxidant, antibacterial effects, antifungal activity, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-diabetic. Saunf has diuretic properties; therefore, drinking fennel tea can help remove toxins from the body, which in turn, may contribute to weight loss. Fennel seeds are responsible for kick-starting your metabolism. A healthy metabolism is the key to losing weight in a healthy way. There is no recommended daily limit established for how much fennel tea is safe to drink. Since fennel tea affects digestion, start with one cup at a time and see how your body reacts to drinking it.
Welcome to AlkaHerbs
We specialize in sourcing alkaline healing herbs from natural and native origins around the world.
For centuries, humans have experienced the healing power of alkaline herbs. In fact, there is written evidence that natural herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years; further, based on archaeological studies, it’s believed that herbal remedies have been used for the power of healing for over 60,000 years. At AlkaHerbs, we have experienced firsthand how natural healing herbs can improve quality of life and want to share that with you.
Our products were used by Honduran herbalist Dr. Sebi, which are believed to treat various infections and illnesses. Browse our website to find the herbal solution your body deserves and place an online order to experience the benefits of alkaline herbs for yourself. Alkaline Your Body & Electrify Your Life!
When starting your Alkaline journey or Reversal process it is crucial to start by at least using Colon Cleanse, Blood Detox, increasing your iron intake with a mixture like Maya or Iron Boost, and boost your mineral levels with Sebian Sea Moss. Following the food list 100% is vital for the reversal process, as even one bite can compromise your progress. Additionally, consider adding Elderberry Syrup to strengthen your immune system. These are the basics needed to get your body into an alkaline state, paving the way for healing to begin.
Welcome to AlkaHerbs LLC!
We specialize in sourcing alkaline healing herbs from natural origins around the world.
For centuries, humans have experienced the healing power of herbs. In fact, there is written evidence that natural herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years; further, based on archaeological studies, it’s believed that herbal remedies have been used for the power of healing for over 60,000 years. At AlkaHerbs, we have experienced firsthand how natural healing herbs can improve quality of life and want to share that with you.
Our product offerings are influenced by Honduran herbalist Dr. Sebi’s healing herbs, which are believed to treat various infections and illnesses. Browse our website to find the herbal solution your body deserves and place an online order to experience the benefits of alkaline healing herbs for yourself.
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