Burdock Root
Aches & Pains, Allergies, Blood Cleansers, Cancer, Cold & Flu, Detox, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Immune System, Digestive System, Edema-Swelling/Gout, Roots, Sciatica, Skin Problems, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, and Sciatica. Burdock Root is an great blood purifier, and provides high levels of iron and insulin. It has volatile oils which make a great diaphoretic. Burdock root is used for fevers and all skin diseases such as boils, canker sores, styes, carbuncles, and eczema. Burdock root can reduce swelling around joints and can reduce calcification deposits, making it excellent for gout (crystalized uric acid). Burdock Root clears the kidneys of excess wastes and uric acid by increasing the flow of urine. Burdock contains 27 to 45 percent inulin. Inulin is a substance that is important in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Three cups daily can improve one health tremendously!
Burdock Root as a blood purifier. Burdock root is harvested worldwide to treat a variety of skin di seases such as abscesses, acne, carbuncles, psoriasis and eczema, increasing circulation to the skin, helping to detoxify the epidermal tissues. Burdock Root destroy bacteria and fungus cultures. A diuretic effect on the body which aids the filtering of impurities from the bloodstream. By promoting perspiration Burdock Root eliminates toxins through the skin.