Soursop Leaves

Soursop leaves, scientifically known as Annona Muricata, are a traditional and natural remedy for many health concerns, from infections to inflammation. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer, and antioxidant properties, soursop leaves offer multiple healing benefits and uses. On top of its various medicinal properties, soursop leaves are also effective for weight loss and relaxation. Whether you brew a tea with dried soursop leaves, take soursop leaves capsules, or use the leaves in their powdered form, all forms make for a great herbal remedy to keep in stock.

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Air Dried Soursop Leaves.

Anticancer properties, infections, coughs, weight loss, herpes, inflammation of the nose and throat, and parasitic infections such as lice.

Hair and skin problems: Soursop is good at treating a number of hair problems such as split ends, dandruff, and falling hair, greying, and head lice. To derive these benefits make a tea from the leaves and use it as a hair rinse. The natural ingredients in the leaves, when mashed until soft and applied directly to the affected area, are good at treating eczema as well as skin infections such as acne.
Treating blood disorders: Because the tree is rich is rich in iron, teas made from soursop fruit and leaves are great for treating anemia and increasing red blood cell count. It is also good for reducing hypertension; and because of its antibacterial properties, it is very effective in curing infections. Placing a whole fresh leaf on a cut, sore, or wound should help healing progress more quickly than when left untreated.
Treating Breast Cancer: Soursop leaves have beenshown to kill cancer cells 10,000 times more effectively than other treatments, with the added benefit that it does not harm healthy cells. Soursop has also been found to be very effective in treating the side-effects of chemotherapy. In some countries Soursop has been used as a treatment for colon, prostate, and lung cancers with some success.
Disorders of the organs: Soursop leaf tea can treat gallbladder problems,liver ailments, and it can even lower glucose levels in diabetics by stimulating increased insulin production by aiding the beta cells in the pancreas.
Nutrient Content: Both the leaves and the fruit of the soursop tree contain high levels of Vitamins A and B, and C, fiber, iron, potassium,calcium. Soursop leaves also contain gentisic acid, annonacin, annocatalin, and anonol that strengthen the immune system.
Immune system booster: soursop tea can be used to perk up and feel better quicker when getting over a cold or flu. Some even think it will slow the progress of AIDS.
Sleep aide: in the Caribbean soursop tea has been used for centuries as a treatment for insomnia, or one can just put a few fresh leaves into their pillow for that effect.
Painful swollen feet: to reduce the discomfort brew some soursop tea and use as a foot soak.
Arthritis and gout: soursop leaves can be mashed and rubbed on joints to reduce the pain

Dr. Sebi’s original and unique formulas are proprietary of Dr. Sebi and may contain ingredients not listed here.

This information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This is not a substitute for treatment advice, diagnosis or advice by a licensed physician. This is not meant to cover all possible precautions, circumstances, drug interactions, or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care if any health issues arise and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your routine.

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